Game of Thrones Woman Feeds Guests Their Children
Strength can be viewed in many different ways, from the conventional might showcased in battle to the strength that comes with power. In a world where men squabble over the Iron Throne and command of Westeros, Game of Thrones introduces a number of strong-willed women who challenge the men in the name of true equality. Some even surpass their male counterparts, whether in terms of political navigation, determination, or combat capabilities.
While there are strong maleGame of Thrones characters from Jon Snow and the Hound to Robert Baratheon, there are plenty of women throughout the series that could give these men a run for their money — and often do.
10/10 Melisandre Uses The Lord Of Light's Power To Varying Degrees

Through her beliefs in the Lord of Light, the Red Priestess Melisandre holds access to an extraordinary power that can wreak havoc when in the wrong hands. When supporting Stannis Baratheon, she gives birth to a shadow that assassinates his brother Renly. Melisandre is even able to later revive Jon Snow from the dead and offer fire-based assistance in the battle against the White Walkers.
Melisandre does not have much personality beneath her faith in the Lord of Light and it shows when she has moments of doubt. However, despite doing plenty of bad things, she redeems herself when she uses her absolute power to help the living against the White Walkers.
9/10 Yara Becomes The Leader That Theon Could Never Be

While Theon switches between various questionable decisions and traumatic experiences, his sister Yara becomes the strong child of Balon Greyjoy. She would have been his successor if not for Euron Greyjoy's interruption and involvement.
Yara risks everything to save Theon from the clutches of Ramsay Bolton, but only finds the damaged shell of her brother, now known as Reek. Yara is seen as a worthy leader to many of her Ironborn followers, with them respecting her strength and fearless attitude.
8/10 Ygritte's Only Weakness Gets Her Killed

Ygritte is introduced as a wildling woman who Jon encounters on a mission beyond the Wall. She starts out as a prisoner of his, but later becomes his captor when he lets his guard down momentarily. Despite their different personalities and lifestyles, the two form an unlikely bond. When Jon joins Mance Rayder's band of Free Folk, the duo become romantically involved.
When in combat, Ygritte shows off her talents and skills with a bow, both in a hunting capacity in open spaces and later in the close-quarter environments of Castle Black. Although she does show a weakness in loving Jon Snow, Ygritte is one of the strongest female characters in Game of Thrones, not just in combat capabilities, but also in her fiery personality. Ygritte is perfectly capable of standing up for herself — even against the scariest of men.
7/10 Lyanna Mormont Shows Courage & Maturity Way Beyond Her Years

Despite her young age, Lyanna Mormont proves to be more courageous than many of the fully grown soldiers in the armies amassed by Jon Snow. Surprising many and endearing herself to audiences the world over, Lyanna takes fierce pride in her heritage as Lady of Bear Island.
When preparing for the incoming hordes of wights and White Walkers at Winterfell, Lyanna refuses her cousin Jorah's insistence on her hiding in the crypts, opting instead to fight. Lyanna is killed in the subsequent battle, but takes down an undead giant in the process, earning her status as one of the strongest female characters inGame of Thrones despite her young age.
6/10 Olenna & Margaery Were Formidable Additions To The Chaos Of King's Landing

While Margaery Tyrell working her way into becoming the queen to not just one king, but two, is a testament to her character, political knowhow, and manipulation, her grandmother Olenna Tyrell is even more formidable despite her age. Lady Olenna rarely shows fear or weakness — she's able to spar with words and win almost any conversation or argument.
Lady Olenna even manages to dictate how she dies, manipulating Jaime Lannister's humane side by drinking a painless poison before admitting to her role in Joffrey's death. Olenna even planted the words "You are a dragon, be a dragon" into the head of Daenerys Targaryen, with Daenerys ultimately taking this advice.
5/10 Cersei's Use Of Her Power Causes Mass Destruction & Chaos

Cersei Lannister's strength comes from her desperation to mask her own weaknesses, turning them into power and manipulation — especially following the deaths of her three children. Her scheming and deception behind the scenes to orchestrate the downfall of Robert Baratheon and later the wildfire explosion at the Great Sept of Baelor are but two of many extreme showings of how terrifying Cersei can be.
While Cersei is a weak and defeated figure in the moments leading up to her death at the end of Game of Throns' final season, Cersei's strength and desire, no matter how misguided, carry her through the most difficult of times. She goes head-to-head with Daenerys over the course of the final two seasons and wins a few battles before ultimately losing the war.
4/10 Sansa Stark's Strength Comes From Her Endurance Through Horrific Events

Sansa Stark never has to partake in fights or pick up a weapon to prove how strong she is; instead, her traumatic experiences shape and harden her personality, molding her into a colder and more calculated leader. With all of the Starks either dead or pursuing goals elsewhere by the end of Game of Thrones'final season, Sansa finds her place at the head of table as Queen in the North.
Sansa names Cersei as someone that she learned from, as well as Petyr Baelish, but Cersei's presence emanated power and control rather than the strength that Sansa possesses. While Arya's journey and growth from the beginning of Game of Thrones is impressive, Sansa's is a complete deviation from her initial path of preference, with her strength in character changing immeasurably.
3/10 Arya Becomes A Deadly Fighter Thanks To Her Hardships & Training

Arya Stark begins Game of Thrones as a young girl who would rather join the boys in their combat training than fulfill her duties as a lady. Seeing her mentor Syrio Forel defeated and her father executed set Arya on a long path to finding her place in the world.
Arya learns how to survive from the Hound and how to fight like an assassin in Braavos under the Faceless Men, combining these skills to become a fearsome fighter — a far cry from what people saw her as when she was a child. Arya checks off several names from her kill list and even manages to kill the Night King, making her one of the strongest with the most impressive character growth in Game of Thrones.
2/10 Brienne Of Tarth Defies Normal Perceptions On Female Warriors

Brienne of Tarth is initially introduced as a potential fighter for King Renly in the battles to come and her sense of honor and loyalty are immediately showcased. Her strength is highlighted as well when she defeats Loras Tyrell in her first onscreen fight.
Following Renly's death, Brienne enters Catelyn Stark's service. Brienne escorts Jaime to King's Landing and pledges herself to finding and protecting the remaining Starks. Brienne is able to kill multiple Stark men by herself when escorting Jaime back to King's Landing and she beats the Hound in one-on-one combat — a fact not lost on anyone. Brienne also gets her vengeance and closure by killing Stannis Baratheon for his role in Renly's death.
1/10 Daenerys Starts As A Liberator But Descends Into Madness

Daenerys Targaryen rarely finds herself in a position where she has to fight herself, due to her gaining a close group of loyal followers who would gladly do all the fighting for her. However, she is fearless when riding her dragons and rains fire down on those who dare oppose her.
Daenerys even shows signs of basic swordsmanship when fighting alongside Jorah Mormont during the Battle of Winterfell in Game of Thrones' final season. The deaths of her closest friends and allies, along with the several frustrations that she has faced since her long-awaited arrival in Westeros, fuel her descension into the Mad Queen.
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