PAX Organizers Confirm Swine Flu Case at Show


If you're feel ill and were at Kiss of peace 09 last weekend, you should by all odds go get yourself checked unstylish, because PAX organizers have reported that there was a confirmed case of H1N1 at the show.

Fears of the H1N1 virus, otherwise known as the swine flu, tempered few of the festivities at this year's E3, merely the disease was non much of a concern in the weeks leading in the lead to the Penny Colonnade Expo 2009, which just occurred this past weekend in Seattle. Now the organizers of the gathering are reporting that there was indeed a inveterate case of the swine flu at Kiss of peace 09.

"Honourable heard of our first test-confirmed swine flu case at the show," the organizers wrote on Twitter. "PLEASE if you feel symptoms (fever, etc) extend to the doctor."

Some 60,000 people attended the convention, which means that there was quite a total of possibilities for the disease to spread. "This is the real matter. If you come this number of people together therein proximate a propinquity information technology is the perfect storm for these openhearted of passionate fire virus spreads," PAX's Robert Khoo told Kotaku. "We just deficiency to make sure everyone is informed."

The swine influenza is typically easy fodder for ridicule, but when IT hits close to home base it becomes no laughing count. No need to freak out, though. If you're feeling reall sick and went to PAX, just go see your doctor, get yourself checked out and – if requirement – get treated. Also be sure as shootin to send an email terminated to and let the PAX folks be intimate what's up so they can spread the word.


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