Key Concept 62 Apwh Multiple Choice Review Questions

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Question ane
"History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming upwards."

Quote attributed to Voltaire, French Enlightenment author, historian, and philosopher, circa 1740
A proponent of the idea presented in the excerpt—that history is full of cycles in which the elite are overthrown by an underclass that subsequently become the new elite—would most likely apply which of the following as an example?
A: The sack of Constantinople in 1204
B: The rise of the Ghanaian Empire
C: The Chinese Scarlet Turban Rebellion
D: The split of the Romans and Byzantines

C:The Red Turban Rebellion, an uprising of Chinese peas- ants upset over Mongol domination and high taxation, best reflects Voltaire's idea of a historical cycle where the elite are overthrown by an underclass that subsequently become the new elite. The Mongols had in one case been steppe nomads poor enough that they were forced to brand clothes from the pelts of field mice. Later, even with the fragmentation of their empire, they ruled China nether the banner of the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang, a peasant turned Carmine Turban, would overthrow them and go the start Ming emperor. Therefore, (C) is right. The sack of Constantinople weakened the Byzantine Empire, merely the Crusaders just looted the city; they did not take ability, and so (A) is incorrect. The Ghanaian Empire arose organically from villages along a trade network; thus, (C) is incorrect. The Byzantine Empire was created every bit the Roman Empire shrank, and the Byzantines thought of themselves as Roman; this is an example of reorganization, not rebellion. Thus, (D) is incorrect.

Question ii
Musa I (also known equally Mansa Musa) fabricated a notable pilgrimage to Mecca and worked to spread Islam throughout his reign. This is an example of which of the post-obit?
ap world history modern practice questions
A: Forced conversion of conquered populations
B: The spread of Islam facilitating trade relationships
C: Religious conflict between native African religions
D: A sectarian split between Sunni and Shi'a in Africa

B:Situated at the western cease of the Trans-Saharan trade route, the Malian conversion to and spread of Islam contributed to trade and diplomatic relationships with neighboring states and exposure to the broader Islamic world (Dar al-Islam); (B) is correct. The Ottomans expert forced conversion, just the Malians did not; (A) is wrong. Islam spread in Africa from the Arabian peninsula and supplanted native African religions, particularly in states in Northern Africa, but we cannot know if it caused conflict among the native religions. The wide credence of a strange religion like Islam indicates an atmosphere of religious tolerance, though more bear witness would be needed to evidence that. (C) is incorrect. Both Shi'a and Sunni make a pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), so nosotros cannot make a judgment about sectarian splits in Africa from this example solitary; (D) is wrong.

Question 3
Which of the following was the most direct consequence of the silver merchandise depicted on this map?
APWHM practice questions
A: The Spanish empire used its great wealth to modernize its feudal economic system.
B: A global merchandise system adult, the commencement between all major centers of civilization.
C: Britain waged the Opium War to forcefulness People's republic of china off the silver standard.
D: Golden declined in value, increasing the volume of the Atlantic slave trade.

B: The silver merchandise was a primary component in the get-go truly global merchandise system, so called because of the growing unification of the Eastern and Western hemispheres' economies after European expansion. (B) is correct. This is all-time illustrated by the small merely significant trade route across the Pacific Bounding main betwixt Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, and China—the first to connect the New World with the eastern and western halves of the Sometime Globe. Spain did not modernize internally despite its huge reserves of precious metals from America. Rather, information technology continued subsidizing its elite landholding classes and paying cash for talented foreigners to comport its merchandise, majestic assistants, and imperial wars. Thus, (A) is wrong. (C) mixes upward its history: the Opium Wars were in the 1800s and sought to balance the silver trade betwixt England and Mainland china, non end it. It is truthful that, as argent became available in big quantities, aureate declined somewhat in relative value, as in (D); however, that had footling to practise with the expansion of the slave trade in this flow, which was based on need for plantation commodities paid for with manufactured appurtenances.

Question 4
"The Tsar had sent out orders to the governments of the unlike provinces of the empire requiring each of them to send his quota of artificers and laborers to aid in edifice the city. This they could easily practise, for in those days all the laboring classes of the people were little improve than slaves, and were nearly entirely at the disposal of the nobles, their masters. In the same manner, he sent out agents to all the primary cities in western Europe, with orders to advertise there for carpenters, masons, engineers, ship-builders, and persons of all other trades probable to be useful in the work of building the urban center. These men were to be promised skilful wages and kind handling, and were to exist at liberty at any time to render to their prospective homes."
Jacob Abbot, Peter the Great, 1859
The attitude toward foreign workers described in the passage differs well-nigh strongly from that of which of the following states during the menstruum 1450–1750?
A: The Songhai Empire in West Africa
B: The Tokugawa shogunate in Japan
C: The Qing Dynasty in Red china
D: The Safavid Dynasty in Persia

B: The passage describes Peter the Slap-up offering to provide "proficient wages and kind treatment" to strange workers, especially highly skilled workers, who assisted in the construction of Leningrad. Peter's attitude toward strange workers is more often than not positive and consequent with his eagerness to accept foreign influence, particularly Euro- pean influence, in guild to modernize Russia. This attitude differs strongly from that of the Tokugawa shogunate, which adopted an isolationist stance; it expelled most foreigners from Nihon, closed Japan to most foreign merchandise, and forbade Japanese citizens from traveling abroad. Thus, (B) is right. The remaining choices are wrong because they exercise not indicate states with a negative view toward foreign workers or their influence. The Songhai Empire, (A), and the Safavid Dynasty, (D), relied heavily on strange merchandise to support their economies, indicating a willingness to cooperate with foreigners. Similarly, the Qing Dynasty, (C), too engaged in foreign trade.

Question five
"Steam-engines furnish the means non only of their back up but of their multiplication. They create a vast demand for fuel; and, while they lend their powerful arms to bleed the pits and to raise the coals, they call into employment multitudes of miners, engineers, shipbuilders, and sailors, and cause the construction of canals and railways. Thus therefore, in enabling these rich fields of manufacture to be cultivated to the utmost, they leave thousands of fine arable fields costless for the product of food to man, which must have been otherwise allotted to the nutrient of horses. Steam-engines moreover, by the cheapness and steadiness of their action, fabricate cheap goods, and procure in their commutation a liberal supply of the necessaries and comforts of life produced in foreign lands."
Andrew Ure, London publication, Philosophy of Articles, 1835
The passage is all-time seen every bit show for which of the following?
A: The implementation of the factory system led to increased demand for skilled laborers.
B: The express supply of fossil fuels led to innovations in transportation.
C: The rise of industrial applied science improved living conditions for all members of society.
D: The development of machines led to increased agricultural output and population growth.

D:The passage claims that advances in transportation and mechanical production allowed for more intensive agricultural tillage; (D) is correct. The workers listed in the passage (with the exception of engineers) are unskilled laborers like miners and structure workers; (A) is incorrect. The supply of fossil fuels was seemingly unlimited, and information technology was the steady demand for those fuels that spurred developments in transportation; (B) is wrong. The argument of (C) is not directly addressed by the passage, only inequality between laborers and owners increased during the Industrial Revolution catamenia. There were waves of emigration from Europe to the United States, suggesting that things were not perfect for the whole society. (C) is incorrect.

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